
A Modest Proposal for Operator Overloading in JavaScript

Posted in Uncategorized by Mike Stay on 2020 August 30

It is a melancholy object-oriented language to those who walk through this great town or travel in the country, when they see the JavaScript programs crowded with method calls begging for more succinct syntax. I think it is agreed by all parties, that whoever could find out a fair, cheap and easy method of making these operators sound and useful members of the language, would deserve so well of the publick, as to have his statue set up for a preserver of the nation. I do therefore humbly offer to publick consideration a pure JavaScript library I have written for overloading operators, which permits computations like these:

Complex numbers:

>> Complex()({r: 2, i: 0} / {r: 1, i: 1} + {r: -3, i: 2})
<- {r: -2, i: 1}

Automatic differentiation: Let f(x) = x^3 - 5x.

>> var f = x => Dual()(x * x * x - {x:5, dx:0} * x);

Now map it over some values:

>> [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2].map(a=>({x:a, dx:1})).map(f).map(a=>a.dx)
<- [ 7, -2, -5, -2, 7 ]

i.e. f'(x) = 3x^2 - 5.


>> Poly()([1, -2, 3, -4]*[5, -6]).map((coeff, pow)=>'' + coeff + 'x^' + pow).join(' + ')
<- "5x^0 + -16x^1 + 27x^2 + -38x^3 + 24x^4"

Big rational numbers:

>> // 112341324242 / 22341234124 + 334123124 / 5242342
>> with(Rat){Rat()(n112341324242d22341234124 + n334123124d5242342).join(' / ')}
<- "2013413645483934535 / 29280097495019602"

Monadic bind:

>> Bind()([5] * (x => [1,2,3].map(y => x * y)) * (x => [4,5,6].map(y => x * y)))
<- [20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 60, 75, 90]

The implementation is only mildly worse than eating babies.

How does it work?

There are four cunning devices at play here. The first is one that various others have discovered: the arithmetic operators do coersion on their operands, and if the operand is an object (as opposed to a primitive), then its valueOf method gets invoked. The question then becomes, “What value should valueOf return?” The result of coersion has to be a number or a string, and multiplication only works with numbers, so we have to return a number.

People have tried packing data about the operand into JavaScript’s IEEE 754 floats, but they only hold 64 bits. Wherefore, if you have a Point(x, y) class, then you can represent it as the number x * 10**12 + y or some such, but the points have much more limited precision and you can only add and subtract them. This is almost useless for polynomials.

The second device is to have the valueOf method store this in a table (line 87) and use the result of the expression to figure out what to do with the values in the table. Others have also discovered this before. By means of this device, we get to store all the information about the objects we are manipulating, but it is still unclear what number to return. This good fellow uses the number 3 to be able to do a single subtraction, a single division, multiple additions, or multiple multiplications.

The third device allows us to use arbitrary expressions. It depends on an observation from abstract algebra: numbers chosen uniformly at random from the unit interval are transcendental with probability 1. That implies there are no two fundamentally different arithmetic expressions using each random number once and the operators for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division that have the same value. With IEEE 754 floats, one can uniquely distinguish nearly 2**64 different expressions by their result. I enumerate all possible arithmetic expressions in numVars variables (lines 13–30 enumerate the structure of the abstract syntax tree, while lines 32–42 turn it into JavaScript), evaluate the expression with the variables set to the random numbers, and store the expression in a table under the result (54–77).

There is a complication in that JavaScript has operator precedence: in the expression 3-4*5, the multiplication is done first and then the subtraction. Wherefore, in evaluating the expression, I have to keep track of the order in which objects get coerced (60–61). When I get the coerced result of an expression, I look up the original expression in the table (90–91), permute the objects based on the order they get coerced (96), and then execute the expression with the appropriate methods corresponding to +-*/ (97).

The last device gets used in Str and Rat above. In a with block of the form with(obj){ body }, if a variable name mentioned in body is a property name of obj, then the property is returned. I use a Proxy for obj (138, 162) with handlers that claim every possible property of a certain form (the has method on lines 142 and 168). Str claims to have all properties that match the regex /^[a-z0-9A-Z_]+$/ other than Str, while Rat claims to have all properties that match the regex /^n([0-9]+)d([0-9]+)$/ (a numerator followed by a denominator). When asked what value those variables have, the Proxy responds with the appropriate data structure: Str says the value of prop is [prop] (145), while Rat says the value of n<numerator>d<denominator> is the pair [<numerator>, <denominator>], where I use BigInt to make sure there’s no loss in precision and reduce so the fraction is always in lowest form (172).

I profess in the sincerity of my heart, that I have not the least personal interest in endeavouring to promote this necessary work, having no other motive than the publick good of my community, by advancing our trade and giving some pleasure to the front-end developer.

((global) => {
  // Increase for more complicated fancier expressions
  var numVars = 5;
  var vars = Array.from(Array(numVars)).map((_,i)=>i);
  var randoms = => Math.random());
  var table = {};

  // n is number of internal nodes
  // f is a function to process each result
  var trees = (n, f) => {
    // h is the "height", thinking of 1 as a step up and 0 as a step down
    // s is the current state
    var enumerate = (n, h, s, f) => {
      if (n === 0 && h === 0) {
        f(s + '0');
      } else {
        if (h > 0) {
          enumerate(n, h - 1, s + '0', f)
        if (n > 0) {
          enumerate(n - 1, h + 1, s + '1', f)

    enumerate(n, 0, '', f);
  var toFunction = (s, pos, opCount, varCount) => {
    if (s[pos] == '0') {
      return [`x[${varCount}]`, pos + 1, opCount, varCount + 1];
    var left, right, op;
    op = `ops[${opCount}]`;
    [left, pos, opCount, varCount] = toFunction(s, pos, opCount + 1, varCount);
    [right, pos, opCount, varCount] = toFunction(s, pos, opCount, varCount);
    return [`${op}(${left},${right})`, pos, opCount, varCount];

  var add = (x,y) => x+y; add.toString = ()=>'+';
  var sub = (x,y) => x-y; sub.toString = ()=>'-';
  var mul = (x,y) => x*y; mul.toString = ()=>'*';
  var div = (x,y) => x/y; div.toString = ()=>'/';

  var round = (x) => {
    var million = Math.pow(2,20);
    return Math.floor(x * million) / million;

  var populate = (expr, ops, opCount) => {
    if (ops.length == opCount) {
      var result;
      var order=[];
      var x = => ({
          return randoms[order.length - 1]; 
      with ({ops, x}) { result = round(eval(expr)); }
      table[result] = {ops: => '' + x), expr, order};
    } else {
      populate(expr, ops.concat(add), opCount);
      populate(expr, ops.concat(sub), opCount);
      populate(expr, ops.concat(mul), opCount);
      populate(expr, ops.concat(div), opCount);

  var allExprs = (s) => {
    var [expr, , opCount, ] = toFunction(s, 0, 0, 0);
    populate(expr, [], opCount);
  vars.forEach(x=>trees(x, allExprs));

  var makeContext = (constrs, opTable) => () => {
    // Set up values array
    var V = [];
    // Install temporary valueOf
    var valueOf = => c.prototype.valueOf);
    constrs.forEach(c => c.prototype.valueOf = function () {
      return randoms[V.push(this) - 1]; 
    // Return function expecting key
    return (key) => {
      var {ops, expr, order} = table[round(+key)];
      constrs.forEach((c, i) => c.prototype.valueOf = valueOf[i]);
      var result;
      var index = 0;
      var W = [];
      V.forEach((v, i) => W[order[i]] = V[i]);
      with ({ops: => opTable[x]), x: W}) { result = eval(expr); }
      V = [];
      return result;
  global.makeContext = makeContext;

var Complex = makeContext([Object], {
  '+': (x, y) => ({r: x.r + y.r, i: x.i + y.i}),
  '-': (x, y) => ({r: x.r - y.r, i: x.i - y.i}),
  '*': (x, y) => ({r: x.r * y.r - x.i * y.i, i: x.r * y.i + x.i * y.r}),
  '/': (x, y) => {
    const norm = y.r**2 + y.i**2;
    return {r: (x.r * y.r + x.i * y.i) / norm, i: (x.i * y.r - x.r * y.i) / norm};

var Dual = makeContext([Object], {
  '+': (a, b) => ({x: a.x + b.x, dx: a.dx + b.dx}),
  '-': (a, b) => ({x: a.x - b.x, dx: a.dx - b.dx}),
  '*': (a, b) => ({x: a.x * b.x, dx: a.x * b.dx + a.dx * b.x}),
  '/': (a, b) => ({x: a.x / b.x, dx: (a.dx * b.x - a.x * b.dx) / (b.x ** 2)})

var Poly = makeContext([Array], {
  '+': (a, b) => (a.length >= b.length ?,i) => x + (b[i]?b[i]:0)) :,i) => x + (a[i]?a[i]:0))),
  '-': (a, b) => (a.length >= b.length ?,i) => x - (b[i]?b[i]:0)) :,i) => x - (a[i]?a[i]:0))),
  '*': (a, b) => {
    var result = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
      for (var j = 0; j < b.length; ++j) {
        result[i+j] = result[i+j] ? result[i+j] : 0;
        result[i+j] += a[i] * b[j];
    return result;
  '/': (a, b) => { throw new Error('Not implemented'); }

var Str = new Proxy(makeContext([Array], {
  '+':(a,b) => [a[0]+b[0]],
  '*':(a,b) => [Array.from(Array(b[0])).map(x=>a[0]).join('')]
}), {
  has (target, key) { return key.match(/^[a-z0-9A-Z_]+$/) && key !== 'Str'; },
  get(target, prop, receiver) {
    if (typeof prop == 'string') {
      return [prop]; 
    } else {
      return target[prop];

function reduce(numerator,denominator) {
  var gcd = function gcd(a, b){
    return b ? gcd(b, a % b) : a;
  gcd = gcd(numerator, denominator);
  return [numerator/gcd, denominator/gcd];

var numDenom = /^n([0-9]+)d([0-9]+)$/;

var Rat = new Proxy(makeContext([Array], {
  '+':(a,b) => reduce(a[0]*b[1] + a[1]*b[0], a[1]*b[1]),
  '-':(a,b) => reduce(a[0]*b[1] - a[1]*b[0], a[1]*b[1]),
  '*':(a,b) => reduce(a[0]*b[0], a[1]*b[1]),
  '/':(a,b) => reduce(a[0]*b[1], a[1]*b[0])
}), {
  has (target, key) { return !!key.match(numDenom); },
  get(target, prop, receiver) {
    if (typeof prop == 'string') {
      var m = prop.match(numDenom);
      return reduce(BigInt(m[1]), BigInt(m[2])); 
    } else {
      return target[prop];

var Sets = makeContext([Set], {
  // disjoint union
  '+': (a, b) => new Set([...[...a].map(v=>[0,v]), ...[...b].map(v=>[1,v])]),
  // product
  '*': (a, b) => new Set([...a].flatMap(v => => [v, w]))),

var Inj = makeContext([Set], {
  // union
  '+': (a, b) => new Set([...a, ...b]),
  // difference
  '-': (a, b) => new Set([...a].filter(v => !b.has(v))),
  // intersection
  '*': (a, b) => new Set([...a].filter(v => b.has(v))),

var Bind = makeContext([Object, Array, Function], {
  '*': (a, b) => a.flatMap(b)