
Hou tu pranownse Inglish

Posted in Fun links by Mike Stay on 2008 June 17

There are rules for pronouncing American English given the spelling; there are just a lot of them, and they’re ugly.  No one’s going to get educated people to change how they spell–they’ve invested too much in learning it, and there’s too much legacy.  But the way people speak, their dialect, varies widely with geography.  So why not introduce a new one that pronounces words as they’re written?


Posted in Theocosmology by Mike Stay on 2008 June 17

I started a blog to record my Gospel Doctrine lessons.  It’s called ankylodoxy, as opposed to orthodoxy.


Posted in Uncategorized by Mike Stay on 2008 June 17

My grandfather, Jesse Stay, died this morning. My cousin, Jesse Stay III, wrote up a nice eulogy, as did my sister Karen.